“Breaking the Paradigm” is't just an animated series or novel; it’s the living heart of an intricate, interconnected universe. Within this universe exists a novel and series, the AaBC and its extended version, the developing AaU mobile app, and even a dedicated AaU Wikipedia. Together, these elements create a vibrant world, where stories intertwine with discussions on contemporary political and social issues. But this universe can’t grow on its own. Your support is vital to its expansion. By joining us today, you’re not just funding a project—you’re helping to build an inclusive and engaging world that challenges boundaries and invites everyone to participate in its evolution.
Consul of the Seventh Republic
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Together, We Are Breaking the Paradigm!
Almost Another Universe is more than a story – it’s a world. It’s a speculative universe that challenges norms, explores new possibilities, and engages the imagination of everyone involved.
By contributing, you’re not just helping to fund a project – you’re becoming part of its story. We can’t do this without you, and your support means the world.
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Let's be honest—we're not exactly the best (referring to myself, Fia, and Clio). If anything, we're probably more bad than good. Personally, I've spent a huge amount of time as the embodiment of conformism. As the promo for the animated series says, we're just ordinary people. But despite our flaws, I believe we're on the brink of some incredible moments. And it's not just us—Clio, Fia, me—it’s you, every reader of this interview, and even those who won’t read it. We all have the power to break the paradigm. Because, in truth, humanity doesn’t have any other option.
"Lucius Cornelius - First Day in the Senate"
AaBC (Extended version)