The Most Noble Order of the Warriors of Righteousness

(The Right Order)

First, let's just step back and

see how it all began.

There were the most ordinary day in 1878, probably the annoying rain poured incessantly. Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, decided to approach the laziest man in London with a rather unusual request - that's when.

Bored aristocrat, his faithful "squire" and an extremely determined young lady decided to change the world, to subordinate it to their ideals and visions - that's why.

And how - the duke himself describes in detail in his memoirs.

How to become a knight.

They say that only the most noble, the most courageous and the most intelligent in both worlds can join the Order.

But we answer: So far as there is an exception to every rule, there must be one here - Cash is King!

Order Protects The World

For 150 years we have taken care of the entire planet, we have ensured order and prosperity, we have made life safer and wealthier for every man and woman all over the world.

We run the central bank of AAU

Five of the nine governors are commanders of the order and are appointed by the grand council of the order.

We own the only bookmaker of AAU

Bets are accepted on any event of our and your world. All profit from this activity belongs to one of the units of the order

The only art gallery we run too

Like the bookmaker, the art gallery also belongs to the order. One of the units, by decision of the council, controls it and keeps all the profit for itself

Knight's ring.

Each ring is unique and testifies to the belonging of its owner to one or another detachment.

Only the bearer of the ring can be considered a knight of the order, and enjoy all the rights.

At the first drop, 50 rings of each of the 35 units of the order are available.

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