The Awakening
In the tradition of timeless tales, our story also began deep into the night, where rain poured without end, and the stifling heat felt as if it were boiling the blood.
Added to the unbearable heat and annoying rain a feeling of guilt that was eating me from the inside. after a long and boring thoughts, I felt that the decision taken today was wrong and not in line with my principles. Finally, I was able to admit to myself that my decision was more a crime than a mistake. In this sweet moment of self-destruction and self-abasement there was an unbending and extremely intrusive knock on the door.
I have no idea how or why, but I opened the door anyway. A funny and bewitching sight appeared before my eyes - a wet thin dress stuck to Clio's beautiful body, no longer performing any of its main functions. Constantly disheveled hair, now wet, gently caressed the owner's proud neck. Only the extremely intelligent green eyes performed their traditional function of bewitching you and making it impossible to speak or think at all.
Clio was already asleep, and her body still spoke to me, enchanted me and called to her, but I simply couldn't wake her up. I couldn't, but this body hypnotized me, and did not give rest. Sleeping Clio’s look could inspire even the most talentless bard to pen his finest poem. What can a man do in such a situation? Of course, one should think about global problems, existential choices and, in the worst case, about the boss at work. That's the advice dad gave me when he saw how I was dumbfounded at the sight of Fia in a swimsuit. I was then 13-14 years old and I did not understand what dad was talking about. In addition, Fia was my oldest friend, and this added to my surprise. But then this advice came in handy many times, thank you, dad. Unfortunately, to right now, this proven effective method has been more of a hindrance than a help. I spent the whole day thinking about my boss, global issues and existential choices. These thoughts nearly drove me crazy. But in this case too, Clio helped me. She turned over and most magnificent "body part Behind the Lumbar Curve" presented itself to me. And there was nothing else for me to do but to Take Clio's roll over in bed as a sign from the universe.
The universe gave me a sign and I obeyed. I forgot my promise to the cardinal - never, never, never question the "law of universal gravity" again. I also forgot all the arguments I justified myself when I deleted the files. So, I decided that I received a blessing from the Universe itself to resist, to fight the system, and this blessing was received through Clio's perfect "Lumbar Curve". Therefore, there was not a moment to lose, and I must immediately get down to action. Obviously, enjoying Clio's body is an extremely pleasant and important activity. You will also agree that there is a strong logical connection between bare "back" and confronting the system. Despite everything, there was one thing that needed to be done immediately, to recover the deleted files. Moreover, Clio's "back" will also be clearly visible from behind my table.
Up until this point, I didn't care what was going on at my desk, you probably understand. In fact, in the frenzy of existential resolve, I didn't notice anything strange until the end. As usual, roughly, I grabbed the chair. I thought the chair was empty, but it turned out to be already occupied.