Just Like Neanderthals

Neanderthal #025

Looking more broadly at our current situation, a completely logical question arises - Why do we need to be saved? Humanity as it exists today does not want to be saved and should not be saved.

New old reality

Hasta la vista, baby

Just like the Neanderthals #025

Neanderthal #025

Looking more broadly at our current situation, a completely logical question arises - Why do we need to be saved? Humanity as it exists today does not want to be saved and should not be saved. We no longer evolve, we no longer rejoice, we no longer prosper, we no longer create, and we no longer truly live. One clear example of why we shouldn't survive is the pandemic. Then Everyone, absolutely everyone, agreed to absurd restrictions, just for the sake of saving their own lives. There was a lot of talk about accepting these restrictions: out of concern for the older generation; for caring about each other and about the state; to buy time to adapt public health structures; And many, many lofty excuses, but one thing is clear now, and then it was clear - we stopped the world, just to save our lives. Throughout the existence of mankind, we have been indiscriminately destroying everyone and everything in an effort to save our not-so-valuable lives. We have destroyed countless species of flora and fauna; We have destroyed countries and nations; We destroyed vast areas; Today we have called all our experience, all our knowledge, and we are destroying the earth.

I still have a question - maybe it's time for us to leave? Maybe we have exhausted our resources and that is why we behave like this? We work to eat and eat to work. We get rich just to be rich. We humiliate in order to feel superior. Maybe there is no need to save such a species? Maybe the cockroach that survives the Armageddon we've arranged will turn out to be the founder of a more worthy species? It may be so, but I think we have the potential to change, and only if we change will we have a reason to survive. otherwise "Hasta la vista, baby"


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