Before we begin, let me say this:
I don’t have all the answers.
In fact, I don’t even know all the questions.
But that’s why we’re here—together, I want to find the right questions and explore new ways of thinking. I’ve already started, asking about democracy (So, Sir Winston, you are mistaken).
I’m also writing a #SpeculativeFiction novel and working on an animated series to examine our world through a parallel universe (Check out the teaser here).
Now, scroll down and see if this resonates with you. If it does, I invite you to join and support the journey.
We don’t need their norms.
Our comfort is in action.
We don’t need victory to succeed.
We are different.
We’re here to see what others ignore, to hear voices long silenced, and to speak truths others consider untouchable.

Usually, we aren’t silenced or fought against—we’re simply ignored. Our voices mean less to today’s society than the barking of a stray dog. We speak, but they don’t understand. In the end, we surrender to the will of the majority and keep living like everyone else, just as expected.
But no—not this time!
I won’t live like everyone else, and I don’t think you will either. Help me create this platform, where together, we’ll work to ask the right questions. With the right question comes the possibility of an answer.
You can click that button and donate via PayPal... or don’t, whatever. Just know the choice is yours.